G506 U.S. Tow Truck

Here we get a look at what MiniArt offer with their G506 U.S. Tow Truck in 1/35th scale.


MiniArt despite the difficulties of the country that they are in continues to pump out a great selection of models in various scales. Of particular note in my case, it is their production of models that saw use after World War II in the civilian market. This release is just such a model, being a G506 truck being used as a tow recovery vehicle, and has a very interesting four tyres on the front wheels.


This offering from MiniArt in 1/35th scale is provided in a cardboard tray with a card lid showing the artwork. All of the parts are provided in a single plastic bag, with the photo etch protected by a card envelope, and my usual gripe about placing the decals facing the clear parts of the model inside their own bag inside the main bag. I still say this screams a high risk of damage to the decals. 

This offering from MiniArt has a multi part chassis, which although fairly simple in design does mean you have to take care when putting it together, to ensure the orientation is correct. Photo etch is littered throughout the model, which brackets for the fuel tank and part of the bumper system - that said I am very pleased to see a jig supplied to enable the correct folding of the bumper portions, which are a complex shape, and curved rather than angled. Moving along the chassis items such as the air tank reservoir and axles are well detailed, which the coach loops that hold the axles in place having all been supplied separately. The wheels of the vehicle have been moulded with the tread and one face and then another side piece to finish the tyre. Tyre details are present on the side walls. A very good engine bay and engine and gearbox has been provided, and I would almost like to see one of these models without the cab and bed allowing you take in all of the oily and greasey details that are normally hidden. You will of course need to add some wiring detail yourself. 

The cab of the model has been provided with an inner and outer shell, taking away the fear of ejector pin marks. The seat is a little simplified in my opinion - I don’t mean it is wrong, it just needs a little life putting into it. The instrument panel is detailed via decals where needed. The doors have separate door cards, and furniture with the glazing showing you that it can be installed open or closed. Due to the front windscreen being fitted into a separate frame, you could if wished show it opened by hinging it outwards at the bottom. The hood detail and front guards appear to be accurately replicated, with the guards at the front of the vehicle being in photo etch - I am again pleased to find that MiniArt has provided jigs for accurate replication. The level of detail on the exterior of the cab, such as the windscreen wipers, the latch for opening the front windscreen and the provision of jigs for the photo etch make this model very visually appealing, but one that I would not recommend for anybody without the requisite skills, a steady hand and a good eye. A cable drum is provided for vehicle recovery, with a plastic parts provided to represent the cable. I personally would use the other option of a de-nuded cable drum and add my own cable detail to that. 

The bed of the truck is a simple wooden frame, with metal strips. There is a nice stowage box provided that adds some interesting story opportunities, and could be left assembled as such. Also present is a small crane to go on the rear of the bed - This is a hand operated crane with a good level of detail in the angle iron frame and the winch mechanism. Chain is provided to show on the crane, and I do think that some of the car manufacturers need to look are what MiniArt is doing in 1/35th scale and consider looking to make vehicles that work with these types of models. 

MiniArt has provided four finishing options for this model, but details provided are scant:

Texas, 1940s

Nevada, 1940s

Ohio, 1940s

Kansas, 1940s


All of the elements that go together in the making of this model from the angle iron frame of the crane to the cab as a whole and not forgetting the mechanicals of the vehicles. I was trying very hard to find something that I did not like about the model, and the only things I could come up with is that I would have liked to have seen some items to place in the stowage box, that the decals were packed with the glazed portions of the model, and a little more detail on the finishing options would have been nice. The way the crane has been tackled, means it could be used on this model, on its own performing some other function, or placed on a completely different model. The mechanical and oiley areas of the model cannot be over praised in my opinion, and if mechanicals are your area of interest, this model will peak it. Very nicely done MiniArt.