MiniArt have released the second of their 1/24th scale tractors with the D8506 German Tractor Mod 1937 making an outing.


MiniArt has seen a market for their tractors that were released in 1/35th scale, but now in 1/24th. Tractors of this period vary quite a lot when produced by the Lanz Company depending on the purpose the vehicle is intended for. The Lanz Company have taken a robust central element and modified it usually via additions to keep it current. 


This offering from MiniArt is provided in a cardboard tray with a separate card lid, the model parts are all provided in a single plastic bag with the decals and clear parts in another bag within the main package. I do not see any moulding issues with the model parts, beyond the cautionary tale of taking care when removing the finer parts from the sprue, as they can be easily damaged - I don’t need to tell you how I know that… 

The main structure of this vehicle replicates well what I believe to be large castings to which everything is attached, and the sheer size of these parts shows you how clearly that this was a robust vehicle. Something that has surprised me is the minimal number of parts that go into making this model. The wheels of the model have been very well tackled as regards design, using 5 pie sections for the front wheels, and 3 parts for the rear wheels. The rear wheels have inner and outer faces with the tread section added in-between them, with a result that I feel is very good. The front wheels, with a little effort could be shown turned but that is not an option that this model addresses. The exhausts are an area that has been well tackled, including what I believe to be an air intake, which is elevated to reduce the risk of taking in excess dirt and such. A large fly wheel is provided on the left hand side of the vehicle - this is suitably covered up and I believe would be exposed when in use. You then have a band drive on the right hand side of the vehicle that again I believe would be exposed when it is in use. These aspects of the release cause me to ask the question, MiniArt where is the farm machinery to go with the tractors? 

The operators area of the vehicle uses something I remember seeing as a child - being a metal seat on what is a metal arm that supports the seat and holds it in position. Under the seat is a spring to give the operator some suspension - the spring is an aspect of the model that I would replace, not because it is bad - but coiled wire would look better. The various controls for the vehicle have been well catered to, and should meet the expectations of the modeller. The mud guards for the rear wheels double up to prevent the operator from getting parts of their anatomy caught up in the wheels. 

MiniArt has provided 2 finishing options for this release:

Gelderland Province, Netherlands 1939-51

East Prussia 1938-1945


I have no concerns reference the physical attributes of the vehicle, as I believe the parts themselves do not represent any trips for the modeller and I especially like the design of the rear wheels. I do take exception to the packaging of the decals with the clear sprue within the main package due to the risk of damage. If this type of vehicle appeals to you, I believe you will be pleased with what you get.



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