BMW decals
LB Production. have released two sets of decals for the NuNu series of BMW race cars in 1/24th.
Tractors. Modelling Eastern European Civil Vehicles
Andy Brazier takes a peek inside the Abrams Squad Specials 9 publication on building and weathering a variety of civil enginering vehicles from Eastern Europe.
1995 Toyota Supra
AMT will re-release the 1995 Toyota Supra from "The Fast And The Furious".
Nissan Fairlady 240ZG
Tamiya have announced they are to produce a new tool Nissan Fairlady 240ZG in 1/24th for release early this year.
Universal sponsor logos
Reji Models have released a universal sponsor logos decal sheet in 1/24th scale.
VW T1 Bus
Revell Of Germany are to re-release thier 1/24th VW T1 Bus in February.
Yanmar Tractor YT5113A Rotary Specification
Hasegawa continue with thier 1/35th Yanmar Tractor boxings with this incarnation having the rotary that cultivates fields on the back.
The War Rig from Mad Max
Plasmo on YouTube creates a 1/72 apocalyptic masterpiece using 3D resin printing.
Ebbro Brabham BT18 Formula 2
In Box review of Ebbro's first 1/20th Formula 2 kit.
SUPERNATURAL 1967 Chevy Impala Sport Sedan from AMT
AMT issues Dean Winchester's 4-Door '67 Chevy Impala from the TV show, Supernatural. A few parts are from previous kits but this kit contains a lot of new tooled details. Round 2, LLC Kit # AMT1124/12 1/25 scale Release date: 09/02/2020 Please remembe...
Nissan Skyline GT-R V-spec II (R34)
Damian Rigby takes a look into the Tamiya Nissan GT-R V-spec II (R34) kit in 1/24 scale.
Bristol 450 Le Mans 1954
Profil24 have released a Bristol 450 in 1/24th scale.
Mercedes Benz fire truck
Revell Of Germany are to release DLK 23-12 Mercedes Benz 1419 F/1422 F fire truck in 1/24th scale.
Japanese Style Road with Sidewalk and Indianapolis Motor Speedway Start/Finish in 1/24th
Matija and Andrej Modelworks bring us two new bases in 1/24th scale.
Harrier 350G "Premium L package" Custom
Aoshima's 1/24th Toyota Harrier 350G kit was first released in 2007 and has been released several times since. This boxing is the second release which was also in 2007.